Sidebars series: On buzzwords

Sidebars series: On buzzwords

Learning your boss’ buzzwords — the particular words and phrases you hear them use in conversation — is one of the first things to make mental note of when getting to know a speaker.

I used to work with someone who said “tremendous,” a lot. In fact, it was the first thing he said to me when I told him I was accepting his job offer. “That’s tremendous.” I’ve never forgotten those words.

Another boss liked to use “gonculator.” Until recently, I thought it was something he made up. It’s actually a “fictional mysterious electronic device” featured in Hogan’s Heroes (fourth season, Klink vs. The Gonculator), and he found a surprising number of ways to reference it.

Yet another speaker I worked had an affinity for “Golly” and “Gee whiz.” Normally, I would try to filter these fillers out, but given his rank and usual subject-matter, they actually seemed to make him more relatable, and his message more accessible.

Incorporating these little gems is about as far you need to go in trying to write in the speaker’s “voice.” If a speech is true and timely and well-written, the speaker can deliver it with confidence. But buzzwords can add a little warmth, a little character, and at the very least, let your speaker know you’re paying attention!

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